
new program

bring our 9 week career discernment course to your local church

The Calling Academy

Helping churches equip members to discern their occupational callings and land jobs that allow them to fulfill it

bring the calling academy to your local church

What is The Calling Academy?

The Calling Academy is a 9 week group course helping christians biblically discern their calling, then practically land a job that's aligned with it, whether that be in the marketplace, the mission field, or entrepreneurship.

click through the 9 steps

The Curriculum

see the next 3 steps

1. Theology

Biblical answers to the 10 biggest questions about our callings, as well the biblical definition of our primary vs. secondary callings. 

3. Passions

We'll cover: what to do if you feel like you have too many passions or none at all, the difference between a passion and an interest, how to uncover your passions if you have them, and how to decide which ones to pursue personally vs. professionally. We'll also discuss the dangers of fixating on passions.

2. talents

In-depth discernment of innate talents, energy boosters vs. drainers, motivation style, and identification to the tasks they translate to. We ditch basic personality assessments for a detailed understanding of what tasks and functions God has designed you to do exceptionally well.

4. Core Values + Legacy

Discern your core values and learn how to factor them into your career decisions, determine your preferences and ideal work environment, and prayerfully consider the legacy you feel called to leave through your career.

5. Ideation

Pair your overarching sense of calling with tangible job titles that align with it. We’ll show you how to find suitable job options outside of your current awareness so you can generate a list of solid job ideas that you'll refine into a single confident decision over the remaining three weeks.

6. refinement

Learn how to sort through your ideas, come up with better ones, and pick the best career move through informational interview-based market research. This step is what makes all the difference to help you not only gain clarity, but also a network that can lead to job offers.

7. fears

What if I hate it? What if I change my mind?
What if I fail? What if my hopes don’t translate into a job? We'll talk through common fears and teach you a framework to address them prayerfully, practically, and communally, so you can grow in faithfulness to the call to "fear not".

8. biblical decision-making

As students complete their final informational interviews, we'll discuss biblical vs. cultural confirmations signs to look out for, as well as questions to ask yourself, questions to ask God, and questions to ask your community before making a decision.

9. sending truths + prayer

We'll take time to pray bold prayers for our careers, as well as hear sending truths like: 5 reasons why Christians should set the most epic goals on the planet, 3 reasons why Christians should unabashedly work for a reward, 4 reasons Christians should be motivated to do an exceptional job at whatever they do.


LinkedIn Profile Optimization

In this day and age, your LinkedIn profile is your calling card. Students will learn how to create a LinkedIn profile that dramatically increases their chases of being reached out to by a recruiter.

Resume Optimization Guide + Templates

Students will have everything they need to create an optimized resume that stands out to recruiters in their industry of choice.


Students will learn how to knock each stage of interviews out of the park. They'll learn how to craft their key selling point statement, how to answer the 7 most commonly asked questions, and a list of 21 impressive questions they can ask at the end of an interview. 

Advanced Interview Training


Learn how to negotiate your compensation and benefits with confidence and grace. Negotiated is a normal professional practice that Christians should learn how to do with fairness and respect. This bonus alone is worth more than the cost of the program.

Negotiating Comp + Benefits


Students that feel called to entrepreneurship will get to learn how to avoid the top 5 most common mistakes so they can define and validate your business idea, make their first sales, and start strong. A past student said this masterclass alone was more impactful to their business than a household name course they paid $900 to take.

Business Training





Customer Success Manager in Tech

$53k increase

in Tech

Sr. Manager in
Talent Acquisition

$36k increase

Structural Engineer

UX Researcher

$20k increase

HS Dance Teacher


$8k increase


Operations & Analytics Consultant

$33k increase

Former role

new role

salary change


see where they landed:

the process has helped hundreds

Bring the calling academy to your local church

Contact to order

Class of 10: $2,700 (save $300)
Class of 20: $5,000 (save $1,000)

Get started with The Calling Academy for $300 per participant, or get one of the bundles below:

You'll get

3. A dedicated church advisor AND FACILITATOR TRAINING

All classes of 10 or more members will receive a dedicated TCA church advisor to support the facilitator, answer questions, and collect suggestions for future classes.


We all know that the most meaningful progress is made when there is a tangible, organized place to capture thoughts, move through the steps, and complete the curriculum. That's why every TCA purchase comes with printed and bound workbook.


This online portal houses the videos to be played in-class, additional guidance for homework if they need a refresher or more support after class, the bonus materials, and dozens of resources to accelerate their job hunt once they're ready to launch.

schedule a call

We'll discuss your church's needs, as well as any questions you may have before bringing the class to your members.

Have Questions?

Hear our founder on

Mere Christians by Jordan Raynor (a podcast featuring guests such as Tim Keller, Christy Wright, Mark Batterson, and John Mark Comer)

TEDx conference hosted at Texas A&M University

Exploring the Marketplace, hosted by Shawn Bolz and Bob Hasson

Tribe at Austin Christian

tune in

This program will help you experience

Whether you’ve made plenty of career leaps before, or only ever tried one thing, the calling academy can help.

Let’s walk together from where you are today to where you’re called to be.

of knowing what is up to you vs what is up to God (we’ll give you hours of biblical studies to clarify your most in-depth theological questions about discerning God’s will)


that comes from knowing how to create what you really want, whether it’s to pivot industries, become a thought leader, work for a dream company, or start a business


that comes from clear, step-by-step instruction, as well as accountability that helps you hit your job hunt milestones at an encouraging pace


of never having to write a resume, LinkedIn profile update, or networking email from scratch. Students of The Calling Academy get access to our library of tried and true templates we’ve tested thousands of times.


that comes from learning to address fears, rather than ignoring them. We’ll give you the tools that have helped hundreds of our clients gain relief from insecurities, and confidently grow into who they were created to be.


that comes from experiencing our thorough, “no stone left unturned” approach to gain the often-forgotten intel that’s essential to making confident career decisions.


frequently asked questions

Who is The Calling Academy for?

This curriculum has helped hundreds of Christians professionals ranging from 17-65 years old, blue collar to executives, from New York to New Zealand, in industries like healthcare, sales, marketing, education, law, engineering, human resources, art, manufacturing, ministry, and beyond. The curriculum includes adaptations to cater to the unique needs of young adults and experienced professionals alike.

How long is each class and what are they like?

The curriculum is composed of 10 weekly in-person classes held at your church that are approximately 2 hours in length, including time for teaching, exercises, discussion, and breaks. The teaching segment of each class will be delivered via pre-recorded videos, so the facilitator (either a staff member or volunteer at your church that wants to participate in the class for free) only has to manage the classroom, not teach the content. Between classes, members will be guided through 1-3 hours of additional homework to do on their own time, using a mix of their workbook, additional online lessons, and resources we provide through their online class portal.

What is the statement of faith behind The Calling Academy?

Our full statement of faith is linked here.

When does the 1 year of access begin?

When the bundle of licenses are purchased. 

When can I facilitate a The Calling Academy group at my church?

Anytime! You can host the course as a spring, summer, or fall course. Just contact us here to purchase a bundle of licenses when you’re ready. 

“I now have a tangible career direction that agrees with the core of who I am” 


“If you are looking for guidance, direction, and coaching that WORKS, I could not recommend it enough.” 


"The future has become a source of excitement instead of just a well of anxiety." 
